Rabu, 21 Agustus 2013

Tentang Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Tentang Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) was founded in 1964, on the initiative of the characters and the Regional Leadership of Muhammadiyah Malang. At that time, Muhammadiyah University of Malang is a branch of the University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta foundation established by Muhammadiyah University Jakarta the notary public R. Sihojo Wongsowidjojo di Jakarta No.71 tanggal 19 juni 1963 berdasarkan Gouvernement Besluit Nomor 81 tanggal 22 Agustus 1914.
University of Muhammadiyah Malang as a college at the age of forty-eight continues to improve itself to realize a healthy college and independent, and have shown themselves the top 20 the best universities in Indonesia, including 50 large Promising Indonesian Universities, 10 foremost universities in East Java by Kopertis region VII East Java for 4 years in a row (2008, 2009, 2010, 2011) so as to obtain a boon flagship University KARTIKA, and obtain a boon of two of the international accreditation agencies QS Star, based in London.
UMM also known as white campus, has 3 campus locations is supported by appropriate infrastructure for development of science, technology and art.
University I : Jl. Bandung No. 1 Malang 65113, Telp. (0341) 551523, Fax. (0341) 562124
University II : Jl. Bendung Sutami No. 188 A 65145 Malang, Telp. (0341) 551149, 552443 Fax. (0341)582060
University II  : Jl. Raya tlogomas No. 246 Malang 65144, Telp. (0341) 463513, 464318-319 Fax. (0341) 460782

Until the Academic Year 2013/2014, UMM has 10 faculty consisting of :
·         35 program sarjana (S1)
·         9 program magister (S2)
·         2 program doctor (S3)
·         3 program diploma (D3)
·         2 program profesi

Visi :
Make leading University in the development of science, technology and art (IPTEKS) based on the values of Islam
a.       a quality education
b.      Conducting research and dedication to the community that can improve human well-being
c.       University shall manage the trusted
d.      Civitas construction maintain the academic in life that islami so as to beruswah Khasanah
e.       Organized cooperation with other parties mutually beneficial
1.      Pancasila dan UUD Negara country  RI Tahun 1945
2.      Undang-undang No.20 Tahun 2003 tentang system pendidikan Nasional
3.      Peraturan pemerintah Republik Indonesia Nomor 60 Tahun 1999 tentang pendidikan tinggi.
As for the operational activities Muhammadiyah University of Malang based on the :
a.       Qoidah perguruan tinggi Muhammadiyah tahun 1999
b.      Statuta Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang tahun 2007
c.       Peraturan-peraturan yang terkait
The purpose of education is the University of Muhammadiyah Malang :
1.      Produce graduates who are faithful, devoted, mastering science and technology, professional, creative, innovative, responsible and independent towards the realization of the main
2.      Carrying out research activities research as the foundation realization of education and develop science and technology
3.      Generate, practice, develop and disseminate the science and technology in the scale regional, national and international
4.      To realize the management planned, organized, productive, effective, efficient and trusted to ensure the sustainability of the University
5.      Realize the academic community that can be a role model in society
6.      Establish cooperation with other parties within the scope of regional, national and international or the development of education, research and community service
To achieve these objectives the University of Muhammadiyah Malang maximize the implementation, Tri Darma Perguruan Tinggi which includes :
1.      Providing education and teaching
2.      Implementation research in order particular cultural development of science, technology, education and the arts and intensify and deepen the study of Islamic theology in the framework to obtain purity practiced
3.      Organizing community service.

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